A fairly lackluster evening with safe comedy and sound issues.
The sad state of affairs that is the modern movie theater and what can be done to alter the situation.
Director Tim Burton and the cast of Alice in Wonderland came out to promote the film and share their thoughts.
A fun party at the Sundance Film Festival with Don Julio Tequila and Movieline.com.
Honoring the hard-working people that maneuver behind the scenes to make movies possible. An amazing star-filled night!
A personal take on why this unlikely film should be the Best Picture this awards season.
Not the best version of the Academy Awards by a long shot, but it did have some of the weirder moments in Oscar history.
Romantic comedies for your Valentine's Day evening. Watch them with someone and cuddle. Watch them alone and retch.
Soundtracks are important for any film. These 15 choices were selected by Turner Classic Movies. Do you agree?
Children represent unspeakable fear that few people will admit to having, but Hollywood loves exploiting.