Relive the magic of this endearing story in 3-D!
The stars come out to premiere this film that's out of this world!
A time-tested classic meets a class-in-the-making with this awesome pairing of magnificent animation!
We always knew there was a little bit of dark in Angelina!
Black Panther is one of the worst Marvel films to date. It's not unwatchable, but it feels perfunctory and is missing the emotional hooks and big set pieces that are expected of a film representing the Marvel pedigree.
Find Nemo all over again and take this amazing journey beneath the sea in 3-D!
A rare example of perfect casting.
How can you not be excited to see this film?
One and a quarter awesome movies to enjoy in 3-D. There's no excuse not to go the theater and check them out!
A new TV spot for Black Widow starring Scarlett Johansson introduces a new villain who seems just as deadly and skilled as Natasha.