A Long Day

Just a quick thought before I crash.

You know, I never really saw myself in advertising. I’ve always figured that if I had to do it or if I just found myself in that profession that I’d be able to handle it, but it wasn’t anything that I “looked forward to.” Today, my view has changed.

In the past few months at my current job, I’ve pretty much just stuck to what I’m told to do. By and large, I still do that, but today the owner of the company proposed a spur-of-the-moment project and gave us an end-of-day deadline. As the Web site search engine optimization (SEO) copywriter, it’s sometimes difficult for me to see the end product for my project since it’s so huge. What amazed me about today’s project was being able to see all of the facets of our marketing department coming together to create something greater than its parts. Graphics chopped up pictures. My boss branded everything. And I provided the words. Then we gave our Web developer the goods to make it live Online. Along the way, we ran into snags and snafus and we were pressed to creatively find workarounds while still staying within the vision of the company owner.

I’m pretty beat after today’s craziness.

But I’m looking forward to tomorrow.

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