The Star Wars story that I know lost just a little magic now that Rogue One adds a lot of context.
This is just one trailer, but it doesn’t feel like a Hollywood movie – more like a Chinese movie trying to appeal to the secondary market of the US.
People are being trained to form opinions and make decisions on increasingly incomplete information. A two-minute-thirty movie trailer might as well be a feature-length film.
An evening of breathtaking scores conducted by musical giants.
I’ve heard horror movies compared with amusement park rides, and I think there’s something to that argument.
Even though we may not have the same personal experiences, we can still feel deep connections, because aspects of the human condition transcend all barriers.
The success of this wonderful film is definitely something to sing about!
An important film festival shedding light on an important topic.
The films you should keep an eye on come the big night!