
So last weekend I had an interview with a movie producer, G. Anthony Joseph. We met up at the Pink Pepper, which is a Thai restaurant in Hollywood. Let me just say that he’s a great guy and a genuine person, which is so refreshing to find in the entertainment industry. I’ll try to make this blog post quick, because I still have to work on my feature about him and if he reads this he’ll wonder why I’m not focused on the task at hand.

Anyway, I felt compelled to commit a few words to my chance encounter with G. because talking to him gave me a little more clarity in my career and in life in general. My last post was about inspiration and riding the wave when it comes. After my luncheon with G., I’m all about discipline now. In short, I can’t rely on motivation and inspiration to keep me going if I plan on getting to where I want to be. I think I’ve let a few important things fall by the wayside, because I wasn’t seeing the short term reward. I have to get back into the swing of things and keep forward motion going.

So here are the areas of focus in no particular order:

On an unrelated note: I’m getting a little traction with my screenplay. Looks like Mr. Actor just might come through after all.

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