Free Music: Ke$ha’s “We R Who We R”

Whether you love her or hate her, Ke$ha is everywhere – or at least her production team is assuring us that she will be for a while. “We R Who We R”, the latest single from her upcoming almost-album, Cannibal, is yet another glitter-infused, strategically-edgy three-minute pop song and will undoubtedly blow up radio waves and the webiverse for months to come. Like “Tik Tok” and “Blah Blah Blah” before it, it’s highly likely to get stuck in your head – so instead of refusing to spend the $0.99-$1.29 it will cost when you finally give in, it’s only practical to consider it for free now.

The track itself is fit for dancing in the club, car, or bedroom (c’mon, there have got to be more of us out there), painting visuals of girls in hot pants, ripped stockings, and hard, hard partying befitting of late nights bleeding into obscene mornings at Denny’s or on someone’s floor. Youth and self-perceived stardom prevails, and with lyrics such as “Hot and dangerous / If you’re one of us, then roll with us” it boasts an all-inclusive ‘message’ that reads and feels better than dancing with no pants on with a bottle of Jack Daniels as lubricant.

For the small price of signing up for a newsletter, it is yours. Of course, if you have commitment issues, you can always sample it below:

Cannibal will be available for purchase separately and with Animal as a deluxe re-release on November 22.

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