Joel Silver was here.

Well, probably not, but according to my Web stats, someone from Silver Pictures (Joel Silver’s production company) stopped by my site a little after 9 a.m. today. Check it out:

Most likely, it was one of his many assistants, probably the one in charge of Internet PR, who was Google Alerted at Joel’s name being used. The assistant read my post, saw there wasn’t anything interesting and moved on. When I saw that, I was happy because it was nice to get the attention of the person whose attention I need to get. On the other hand, I was sad because I feel like it was a wasted opportunity, not having written something a little more compelling. You know, something that might have the assistant say, “Hm, you know, Joel might want to take a look at this.”

Well, Mr. or Ms. Assistant, if you come back, please let Mr. Silver know that I have his next blockbuster trilogy (possibly quadrilogy) rip-roaring and ready to go. This screenplay was written for Joel Silver specifically since he owns the movie rights to the brand on which the screenplay is based. It’s a high-concept action fantasy that will resonate with fans of the genre as well as newcomers. I’d be happy to send him a synopsis of the film. I look forward to hearing from you.

What do you think? Compelling enough without giving away too much over the Internet?

Let’s hope.

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