Month in Review: January 2008

Man, I need to be more punctual with these things.

After much heartfelt consideration, I’ve decided against blogging about work in earnest. Yes, I have work stories that will charm and delight you with all of the insanity that I’ve been through lately, but the telling would lose its edge without sharing my disappoints – which typically requires that I bash certain coworkers. Thankfully, cooler heads prevailed and I’ll save those tales for my personal blog – whenever that gets off the ground.

Tonight (in just a few hours, actually) I have another restaurant review to get to. Speaking of which, I think the hubbub regarding Dr. Godt has all blown over. I think all of the people he CC’d on his email to me use Yahoo! mail, because for a while there, I was seeing a lot of referring links from I was expecting a flurry of flames from the entire Godt clan, but they read silently instead, shrugged their shoulders and moved on. As far as I can tell, what had happened was that Dr. Godt ate at Spaggi’s on January 24, enjoyed his time there so much (he’s treated like family, after all) that he felt compelled to write his own review. Afterwards, he Google’d for other reviews and found mine. And you know the rest.

Well, now that things are slowing down at work and I find that my tax refunds are coming in, I’ve invested some time and money in my computer to play those games that I’ve been neglecting. Strangely, I don’t feel compelled to play marathon sessions like I used to just a few years ago. Man, I used to just let everything else in my life go to Hell so I could stay home and play video games for 14 hours straight. Now they’re only fulfilling for the length of your average movie. I don’t know if that’s because I’m outgrowing games or I have more interesting things to do with my life or if it’s because of all the damn bugs that are crashing my system! Whatever the reason, gaming isn’t as much of a driving force for me anymore. Still that doesn’t stop me from shelling out half a grand for the latest graphics card.

If you’re going to do something, even casually, do it well.

January Movie Reviews

January Restaurant Reviews

Look for this next restaurant review soon.

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