Under Construction

Site Enhancements in Progress

Rather than saying “The network is going to be down for a few hours while we fix the problems” the IT guys like it when I put together something more pleasant, like “Improvements to the Network will be completed shortly.” That idea just popped into my head since I’ve been making some adjustments around Working Author. First of all, I had to take down the “Most Viewed” section in the footer since it was breaking and I couldn’t upload the .htaccess file that fixes it while I was work. I’ll put it back up shortly.

I’ve also added a “Related Posts” section at the bottom of the single pages. I had a heck of a time finding a plug-in that searched by tags instead of some other algorithm. That was important to me since the other Related Posts plug-ins would displays on pages where I didn’t want them to appear, like on Movie Reviews. No good.

I’ve also added some code to the sidebar so that the “Featured” section on the index page moves down there on the single pages. Since most of my traffic doesn’t actually land on my home page, I think having the Featured section in the sidebar will be a good way to guide people to other sections. We’ll see. All in all, I think the site is coming together nicely.

Yesterday, I wrote that I was going to get the Photos section up today. That didn’t happen. I apologize. I did manage to write a review of The Incredible Hulk. Check it out!

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