An unrealized premise and two-dimensional characters make for an average movie with above average special effects.
An odd film that features neither a strong protagonist or antagonist with clearly defined motives.
The worst thing that can be said about this film is that it’s just not exciting, compelling, or memorable. But other than that, it’s fine!
A collection of humorous scenes connected by an almost satisfying story.
This latest addition to the MCU really tries to do too much, but ends up disappointing overall. See it if you must, but this won't be a favorite.
A compassionate and unflinching look at the repercussions of addiction.
This film exists at the point where hope and reality meet, and the resulting precipitate is a catharsis that’s rarely elicited by movies today.
Not exactly a thrill ride, but still enjoyable in its own right.
An oddly charming comedy with crude expectations that belie its family-friendly edge, but doesn't quite deliver on story.