Go, ninja! Go, ninja! Go!
Maybe Kim Jong-un has a good sense of humor.
Angelina Jolie talks thematic dynamics in the film
Watch NC-17 material in the privacy of your own home...like you normally do.
Check out the cars behind the cars.
Here's to hoping it's every bit as good as the first film.
Fire breathing Transformers? Yes, please!
The brothers Nolan tackle space.
Lot's of stuff happening in this movie. Get ready for over-the-top action!
[embedvideo id=”BFXs1hCUtc4?rel=0″ website=”youtube”] [column size=one_third position=first ]U.S. Release date: March 14, 2014 Cast: Aaron Paul, Dominic Cooper, Imogen Poots, Ramon Rodriguez, Rami...