Tómas Lemarquis in The Rock of Ages by Eron Sheean.

Eron Sheean’s The Rock of Ages on Indiegogo

As an entertainment critic, I’m exposed to a lot of projects that I just don’t like. Sometimes they’re just too surreal for me. Other times, they’re too abstruse. Most of the time, however, the project is simply forgettable. I write a review and I move on with my life. Occasionally, though, something comes my way that manages to surprise me. One of those surprises was Errors of the Human Body. I can’t remember if I drove out to Los Angeles for this one or if the publicist mercifully provided an online screener. What I do remember, however, was how the ending impacted me, setting off thoughts about ethical dilemmas, willpower, and unending regret. It’s a film that made me want to write.

Occupational Hazards

In this profession, a lot of people can become lazy or, perhaps, numb. You’re bombarded with so much material that the tide of content to write about can drown you easily. It becomes difficult to care and easy to gloss over a review. Fortunately, Errors of the Human Body just lined up with me, and I knew exactly what I wanted to say about it. Afterward, I guess my review lined up with the filmmaker, because he reached out to me.

Granted, Eron wrote me to correct something in my review: He wasn’t just the director; he was a co-writer, as well. After verifying with the publicist that it truly was Eron emailing me, I made the correction and immediately started networking with him. He was kind enough to receive one of my scripts, and we’ve been in relative contact ever since.

Support a Worthy Cause

All of this is a preamble to say that Eron Sheean is working on a new film called The Rock of Ages, and he needs support to finish filming it. He’s already one-third of the way through filming; he just needs funding to get the rest done. I’ll let Eron do the pitching:

It’s not easy being a filmmaker, especially one without an extensive filmography. But I believe in Eron’s work, and it’s inspiring to see the film come together in bits and pieces from what he shares with me over Facebook. If you can support him and his project, then I would encourage you to do so. We need more artists like him in the industry.

Also, this is probably the most color you’re going to see on Tómas Lemarquis.

Become a backer of The Rock of Ages on Indiegogo.