Since this is my professional blog, I made a conscious decision not to blog too much about work since the only reason to write about work on your personal time is just to complain. I submit to you that I’ve let slip a complaint about work here and there, but nothing that I thought was flagrant or would put off a prospective future employer. Recently, however, work has gotten me down — to the point of depressing me — and I just feel the need to get a few things off my chest.
For the most part, I have only positive things to say about my day job. Well, not really, but if we discount all of the universal things about day jobs that are guaranteed to suck, I’m left with only a few points to complain about. On the other hand, those points are very big and large enough to convince me to start considering alternative employment. With that said, the reputation I’ve built within the company and the rapport I’ve developed with executive management and my coworkers goes a long way in making me feel comfortable in the workplace — to an extent.
Then, of course, there’s Buzzine. If there’s any prospect of mine that is my number one priority to nurture, it’s this publication. My career goals lie within the entertainment industry and if I’m going to get there, I have to keep making forward progress along that path. Buzzine is the best vehicle that’s come my way to get me there. The catch there is that the publication is in no position to sustain me as my sole source of income. So that necessitates a day job. Finding the right day job is the rub. Is there a steady, permanent job out there that will pay me enough to survive while being flexible enough to allow me time off to cover whatever industry event is being held during the work week?
Probably not.
Nevertheless, the HR Director of a local company discovered my résumé online and scheduled me for an interview. The position title was Web Content Manager and the requirements were extremely low, according to the online posting I was directed to on their parent company’s site. Anyway, I went in and I’d like to think that I scored well with the gentlemen that I spoke with. I tried to be as transparent as possible. I told them that if I had said anything that was questionable or if they had any concerns that I hadn’t addressed, that I’d like to speak to those concerns. I explained that despite the uncertainty of my future with my current company, I’d rather have that than get hired on with the new company only to find out that I wasn’t a good fit two months later and then be out of work. I went on to say that with the economic climate the way it is, this is a bad time to be without a job. I know it sounds rehearsed and fake, but sometimes heartfelt truth sounds that way. It’s up to the listener to decide if their cynicism will rule the day or not.
Their decision is still up in the air as far I’m concerned. I was told they had interviews booked through Friday, so I’m not expecting a callback until early next week.
The point here is that I got to thinking: Obviously — and they made it quite clear — the new company is looking for a dedicated employee. To be sure, every company is looking for that. The point I’m trying to make is that as a new employee in a key position, time off to interview Megan Fox (or whatever other sexy starlet needs interviewing) isn’t exactly going to be doled out with their blessings. So then that got me thinking, “Well, at least I can get away with that at my current job.”
And then I showed up to work late today by a few minutes. The reason isn’t important. What is important is that it’s rare that I’m late. It just so happens that I essentially walked right into the owner of the company as I came through the doors. He glared at me, extended his arm and shook his watch at me. Then he had the HR Director issue a company wide notice about showing up to work on time. So then that got me thinking, “Maybe I don’t have that kind of flexibility here either.”
And the best part came today: I was informed that the marketing department — of which I am part — would have to start coming in on Saturdays for the next few weeks to finish our brochures for 2009.
My life is awesome.