I walked away from writing opinions and reviews, but I've been feeling the itch to get back into it lately. Should I stay or should I go?
Making contacts and building relationships is hard work, but can sometimes pay off. A manager picks up my script and loves it.
Wow, that last post has been up for a while! Heck, I’m getting sick of seeing it there myself. Things...
So. Did you watch the Oscars? I don’t know about you, but I was terribly bored. It just felt obligatory....
It's always a sad day when the only thing stopping great talent from creating is a connection to someone with power.
A quick setup regarding my journey to professional screenwriter. It's my ultimate dream.
I inevitably fell asleep around 3 or 4 p.m. and didn't get back up until around 7. No good.
Can’t Stop Developing for the Web Alright, this will be the last of the major changes for a while. I...